Receive quality care for all your mental health needs.

General Services


Individual Therapy

This service is designated to assist you in processing and exploring thoughts, feelings, behaviors, trauma, and/or personal experiences. Couples/marriage counseling is also available by providers.

Rates vary depending on insurance and provider. | Contact Us


Professional Consultation

Online or in-person, this service will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan to achieve personal goals. Additionally, this service may be utilized by other professionals to consult with one of our providers regarding mental health services. 

Rates vary depending on provider and are paid out-of-pocket | Contact Us


Group Therapy

This service is focused on providing a supportive environment for you to experience healing, growth, and resolution in a group of like-minded individuals. Time is spent establishing personal and universal goals for you and your group to accomplish together. This service is lead/supervised by a licensed mental health professional.

Rates vary depending on insurance and provider. | Contact Us


Internship & Supervision

Internship: In-person only, this service is provided to undergraduate or graduate level students seeking placement for their practicum, internship (1 & 2), and/or field rotation. 

Supervision: This service is reserved for individuals seeking licensure for their profession as a mental health provider.

Rates vary depending on provider and are paid out-of-pocket | Contact Us  


Specific Services


Each of our network’s providers specialize in a variety of mental health topics. To best serve you, please visit our Teams page to learn more about the ways we can assist you | Specific Services

“A person is a fluid process, not a fixed and static entity; a flowing river of change, not a block of solid material; a continually changing constellation of potentialities, not a fixed quantity of traits."

— Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy

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